Technical Assistance
Links to technical assistance resources
All EYC Cohorts Alchemer Training
May 21, 2024
This webinar, led by The Center, is an overview of the Elevate Youth California designated Progress Report submission platform, Alchemer.
Elevate Youth California Progress Report Overview
April 30, 2024
This webinar, led by The Center, is an overview of the Elevate Youth California Progress Report Tool for funded partners.
Nonprofit Finance Fund: Understanding Cash Flow Planning Webinar (PDF)
Elevate Youth California Round 5 Standard Track Grantee Orientation Webinar
April 8, 2024
Elevate Youth California Round 5 Standard Track Grantee Orientation Webinar (PDF)
Advocacy vs. Lobbying
November 8, 2023
This webinar, led by Advance Behavioral Health Prevention California covers the difference between advocacy versus lobbying. Advocacy can be a powerful prevention strategy, but non-profit organizations often do not advocate because of concerns that advocacy could cross the line into lobbying. This training will define advocacy and what is allowable for a 501(c)(3) organization, discuss the difference between lobbying and advocacy, and share how social media can be used as a strategic advocacy tool.
Technical Assistance Plan and Work Plan Overview
Sept. 9, 2021
Web Sites
Links to resources from the field
Substance Use Disorder
California’s Prop 64 Youth Fund: an opportunity to promote equity and prevent substance use among youth
This brief offers a framework for thinking about substance use prevention and describes critical components of successful youth-focused initiatives, highlighting successful community-based programs. It is intended to support and guide the California departments and agencies tasked with administering Prop 64 dollars allocated to the Youth Education, Prevention, Early Intervention, and Treatment Account.
Child and Adolescent Health Measurement Initiative
The Prop 64 Recommendations Roadmap portal hosts resources for policy-makers, advocates, and community leaders to advance a healing-centered and trauma-informed approach for state and local policy.
Links to tools and toolkits
California’s Prop 64 Youth Education, Prevention, Early Intervention and Treatment Fund
Prevention Institute report on designing effective investments that promote equity and prevent substance use among youth.
When the Smoke Clears: Racial Disparities in California’s Marijuana Arrests
Public Health Advocates report prepared by the University of California, Davis, Center for Regional Change that documents racial disparities in marijuana arrests in California from 1996-2016.