Standard Track Cohort 6

January 2025 – December 2027

Learn how our 95 Standard Track Cohort 6 partners are leading change with youth in communities through prevention, outreach and education.

A Hopeful Encounter

Fresno County

To empower Hmong youth in Fresno County through advocacy and peer-led support to encourage cultural revitalization, build resilience to break cycles of trauma and prevent substance use.

Ahri Center

Orange County

To empower Latinx and Asian youth in Orange County through leadership development and youth-led civic engagement to strengthen protective factors and prevent substance use.

Alliance for Community Empowerment

Los Angeles County

To empower youth of color in Los Angeles County through youth-led advocacy and leadership opportunities to improve youth civic engagement and prevent youth substance use.

Amelia Ann Adams Whole Life Center

San Joaquin County

To support Black youth in San Joaquin County through civic engagement, peer-led support and leadership development to strengthen family support systems, foster community resilience and reduce substance use.

American Journalism Project

Los Angeles County

To increase the leadership development of Latinx youth in Los Angeles County through civic engagement and journalism mentorship opportunities to increase social connection and promote healthy behaviors to prevent substance use.

Anti Recidivism Coalition

Los Angeles County, Sacramento County, Yolo County

To increase the leadership development of systems-impacted youth of color in Los Angeles, Sacramento and Yolo counties through civic engagement and mentorship to improve life outcomes and reduce substance use.

Asian Health Services

Alameda County

To support Asian youth in Alameda County through culturally rooted leadership development, mentorship and civic engagement to prevent substance use.

Asian Youth Center

Los Angeles County

To empower youth of color in Los Angeles County through leadership development and civic engagement to improve community participation in policy and systems change and reduce youth substance use.

Auburn Hip Hop Congress

Alpine County, Nevada County, Placer County, Sacramento County

To empower youth of color in Placer and Sacramento counties through internship programs, peer-to-peer support and youth-led civic engagement to reduce substance use.

Berry Creek Rancheria of Maidu Indians of California

Butte County

To empower Native youth in Butte County through culturally relevant leadership development and civic engagement to create a generation of healthy leaders and reduce substance use.

Black Students of California United

Merced County, Monterey County, Riverside County, Sacramento County, San Bernardino County, San Diego County, San Francisco County, San Joaquin County, Santa Clara County, Tulare County, Yolo County

To empower Black youth across California through culturally responsive youth development, civic engagement to advocate for restorative justice practices and reduce substance use.

Black Youth Leadership Project

Sacramento County

To empower Black youth in Sacramento County through youth advocacy, mentorship and peer support to promote equitable school policies and reduce substance use.

Boyle Heights Beat

Orange County

To empower systems-impacted youth in Orange County through leadership development training, peer mentorship and youth-led civic engagement to reduce youth substance use.

Breakthrough Sacramento

Sacramento County

To engage Latinx and Black youth in Sacramento County through culturally relevant programs and youth-led advocacy to reduce substance use.

Bright Futures for Youth

Nevada County

To empower youth in Nevada County through peer support and civic engagement opportunities to increase access to safe spaces and positive alternatives to substance use.


Ventura County

To increase the leadership development of Latinx youth in Ventura County through peer-led mentoring, civic engagement and research projects to address community concerns and prevent substance use.

Brown Issues

Sacramento County, San Joaquin County, Yolo County

To empower Latinx youth in Sacramento, San Joaquin and Yolo counties through civic engagement and peer support to increase protective factors and reduce substance use.

Building A Generation

San Bernardino County

To enhance leadership development for Black and Latinx youth in San Bernardino County through mentorship, training and youth-led civic engagement opportunities to increase protective factors and reduce substance use.

C.L.A.S.S.Y. Inc. (Captivating Ladies Aquiring Successful Standards Yearly)

Alameda County, Contra Costa County, Los Angeles County, Sacramento County

To increase the leadership development of Black youth in Alameda, Contra Costa, Los Angeles and Sacramento counties through career-based learning, youth-led programming and civic engagement to reduce substance use.

Calexico Wellness Center

Imperial County

To empower Latinx youth in Imperial County through trauma-informed peer support and civic engagement to equip youth with the skills to lead systems change and prevent substance use.

California Youth Empowerment Network

Los Angeles County, Sonoma County

To empower 2S/LGBTQ+ youth of color in Los Angeles and Sonoma counties through community engagement, leadership development and civic engagement to address substance use.

Center for Community Research

San Diego County

To empower 2S/LGBTQ+ and Latinx youth in San Diego County through leadership development, youth-led policy initiatives and community campaigns to promote substance use prevention.

Center for Empowering Refugees and Immigrants

Alameda County

To empower Asian youth in Alameda County through leadership training, civic engagement and mentorship to increase protective factors against substance use in refugee and immigrant communities.

Center for Urban Excellence

Contra Costa County, Solano County

To empower youth of color in Contra Costa and Solano counties through culturally responsive civic engagement, art and wellness, and leadership development to increase resilience and reduce substance use.

Children’s Institute, Inc.

Los Angeles County

To increase the leadership skills of Black and Latinx youth in Los Angeles County through peer-to-peer mentoring, community building and civic engagement to build protective factors against substance use.

City Ministry Network

Merced County, San Joaquin County, Stanislaus County

To empower Latinx youth in Merced, San Joaquin and Stanislaus counties through mentorship, civic engagement and leadership development opportunities to develop emerging young leaders and address substance use.

Club Stride Inc

Solano County

To empower Black and Latinx youth in Solano County through culturally and linguistically appropriate peer-led support, mentorship and civic engagement to strengthen protective factors and reduce contributors to substance use.

Connected to Lead

Los Angeles County, Orange County

To increase the leadership development of Black and Latinx youth in Los Angeles and Orange counties through leadership development and civic engagement to address substance use.

Crossroads Recovery Center

Alpine County, Inyo County, Mono County

To empower Native youth in Alpine, Inyo and Mono counties through youth engagement, advocacy and leadership development to prevent substance use.

Dream Youth Clinic

Alameda County

To increase the leadership development of Black and Brown youth in Alameda County through peer support and youth-led advocacy to strengthen protective factors and prevent substance use.

Eastside Student Center

Inyo County, Mono County

To empower Latinx, Native and 2S/LGBTQ+ youth in Inyo and Mono counties through mentorship and civic engagement opportunities to promote community healing and transform systemic factors that lead to substance use.

EmpowHer Institute

Los Angeles County

To support youth of color in Los Angeles County through mentoring, social-emotional learning, and youth-led advocacy to become agents of change in their community and reduce substance use.

Finish First Academy

Los Angeles County

To empower Black youth in Los Angeles County through youth leadership development peer-led support and civic engagement to prevent substance use and the associated risk factors.

Frontline Catalysts

Alameda County

To inspire Latinx and Black youth in Alameda County through culturally appropriate peer-led support and civic engagement to strengthen community belonging and prevent substance use.

Girls Club of Los Angeles

Los Angeles County

To empower Black and Latinx youth in Los Angeles County through leadership development opportunities and youth-led civic engagement to promote equity in systems and reduce substance use.

Healing Justice Santa Barbara

Santa Barbara County, Ventura County

To empower Black youth in Santa Barbara and Ventura counties through peer-led support and youth-led advocacy to reduce substance use.

Homeboy Industries

Los Angeles County

To strengthen youth leadership development in Los Angeles County through youth-led harm reduction, peer support and advocacy to prevent substance use and promote systems change.

Hooked on Fishing Not on Violence Foundation

Sacramento County

To support Black youth in Sacramento County through peer-led mentorship and civic engagement to increase leadership and reduce substance use risk factors.

Indigenous Justice

Alameda County, Fresno County, Lassen County, Modoc County, Sacramento County, San Francisco County, Shasta County, Siskiyou County

To activate Native youth in California through culturally rooted mentorship, leadership development and youth-led civic engagement to promote equitable systems and reduce substance use.

Indigenous Regeneration

Los Angeles County, Riverside County, San Diego County

To empower Native youth in Los Angeles, Riverside and San Diego counties through culturally responsive mentorship and civic engagement to increase health equity and prevent substance use.

Institute for Public Strategies

San Diego County

To engage Latinx youth in San Diego County through youth-led initiatives, peer-led support and trauma-informed mentorship to increase resilience, reduce substance use and promote equity-driven policy change.

International Rescue Committee, Inc

Sacramento County

To empower immigrant and refugee youth in Sacramento County through culturally appropriate peer-led support and civic engagement to improve health outcomes and prevent youth substance use.

Invest in Me

Stanislaus County

To build the leadership skills of Latinx youth in Stanislaus County through culturally rooted leadership development and civic engagement to increase self-efficacy and reduce substance use.

Jail Guitar Doors

Los Angeles County, Orange County, Riverside County

To increase leadership development in systems-impacted Black and Latinx youth in Los Angeles County through peer support and civic engagement to improve access to services and reduce substance use.

Kids In The Spotlight

Los Angeles County

To empower Black and Latinx foster youth in Los Angeles County through the arts, mentorship, civic engagement and career exploration to uplift youth storytelling and reduce substance use.

Kno?Qoti Native Wellness, Inc. (KNWI)

Glenn County, Lake County

To support Native youth in Glenn and Lake counties through mentorship, cultural activities and civic engagement to strengthen cultural identity, enhance interpersonal skills and prevent substance use.

Latino Coalition for a Healthy California

Sacramento County

To empower of Latinx youth in Sacramento County through peer leadership, youth-led civic engagement and mentorship to improve health outcomes and prevent substance use.

Lily of the Valley Emmanuel Church of Jesus Christ

Fresno County, Kings County, Tulare County

To empower youth of color in Fresno, Kings and Tulare counties through civic engagement, mentorship and leadership building to prevent substance use.

Los Angeles LGBT Center

Los Angeles County

To empower 2S/LGBTQ+ youth in Los Angeles County through leadership development, mentorship and civic engagement to drive positive systems change and reduce substance use.

LOUD For Tomorrow

Kern County

To empower Latinx and Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander youth in Kern County through culturally rooted healing and youth-led civic engagement to destigmatize and reduce substance use.

Madera Coalition for Community Justice

Madera County

To support Latinx youth in Madera County through mentorship, youth advocacy and leadership skill building to increase connection and reduce substance use.

McKinleyville Family Resource Center

Humboldt County

To empower youth of color in Humboldt County through leadership development and youth-led civic engagement to promote systems change in community and prevent substance use.

Mental Health California

Sacramento County

To increase the leadership development of Black and Latinx youth in Sacramento County through peer-led support and civic engagement to prevent youth substance use and improve health outcomes.

National Center for Youth Law

Fresno County, Riverside County

To engage Black and Latinx youth in Fresno and Riverside counties through culturally relevant mentorship, healing-centered peer support and civic engagement to reduce substance use.

National Foster Youth Institute

Fresno County, Los Angeles County, Orange County, Riverside County, Sacramento County, San Bernardino County

To engage foster youth in California through peer-to-peer support and youth civic engagement to reduce substance use.

Native Alliance of the Sierra Nevada Foothills

El Dorado County, Nevada County, Placer County

To empower youth of color in El Dorado, Nevada and Placer counties through culturally relevant mentoring, peer support and youth-led civic engagement to reduce substance use.

Native CORE

San Joaquin County

To build the leadership skills of Native youth in San Joaquin County through peer-to-peer support and youth-led advocacy to increase resiliency and prevent substance use.

Native Dads Network Inc.

Sacramento County, Yolo County

To empower Native youth in Sacramento and Yolo counties through culturally rooted mentorship opportunities and civic engagement to reduce substance use.

Paving Great Futures

San Diego County

To increase the leadership development of Black and Latinx youth in San Diego County through culturally relevant civic engagement and peer mentorship to cultivate self-awareness and prevent substance use.

People Helping People

Santa Barbara County

To empower Latinx youth in Santa Barbara County through peer support and youth civic engagement to increase healthier lifestyles among youth and families and prevent substance use.

Positive Images

Humboldt County, Marin County, Mendocino County, Napa County, Sonoma County

To engage Latinx youth in Sonoma County through peer support, youth leadership and civic engagement to promote equity and shift narratives related to substance use prevention.

PRO Youth & Families, Inc.

El Dorado County, Placer County, Sacramento County

To empower youth in El Dorado, Placer and Sacramento counties through peer-led support and civic engagement to reduce substance use.

Rite of Passage Adolescent Treatment Centers and Schools, Inc.

Imperial County

To elevate Latinx and Black youth in Imperial County through mentorship and youth-led civic engagement to prevent substance use.

Rural Innovations in Social Economic, Incorporated

Yolo County

To increase the leadership development of Latinx youth in Yolo County through student-led civic engagement and mentorship to promote positive school climates and prevent substance use.

Sacramento Youth Center

Sacramento County

To uplift youth of color in Sacramento County through peer-to-peer mentoring, leadership development opportunities and civic engagement initiatives to prevent substance use.

Sacred Path Indigenous Wellness Center

Los Angeles County, Orange County

To build the leadership skills of Native youth in Los Angeles and Orange counties through peer-to-peer mentoring, leadership skill development and civic engagement to increase cultural connection and prevent substance use.

San Diego LGBT Community Center

San Diego County

To empower 2S/LGBTQ+ youth of color in San Diego County through leadership development, peer-to-peer support and civic engagement to improve community well-being and prevent substance use.

San Fernando Valley Partnership, Inc

Los Angeles County

To empower Latinx youth in Los Angeles County through restorative leadership development and civic engagement to increase access to safe spaces, foster resilience and prevent substance use.

San Joaquin Pride Center, INC.

San Joaquin County

To empower LGBTQ+ youth in San Joaquin County through leadership development, mentorship and civic engagement to reduce substance use.

Save California Salmon

Butte County, Del Norte County, Humboldt County, Mendocino County, Sacramento County, Shasta County, Siskiyou County, Trinity County, Yolo County

To increase the leadership development of Native youth in California through outdoor learning, leadership training and civic engagement to deepen cultural knowledge and prevent substance use.

ShePower Leadership Academy

Kern County

To empower Black and Latinx youth in Kern County through youth-led civic engagement and mentoring to prevent substance use.

Sister Warriors Freedom Coalition

San Bernardino County, San Francisco County

To empower Latinx and Black youth in Kern, Los Angeles, Madera, San Bernardino and San Francisco counties through peer mentorship, community engagement and youth-led civic engagement to cultivate a network of young leaders empowered to prevent substance use disorder.

Sol Collective

Sacramento County

To build the skills of Latinx and Native youth in Sacramento County through mentorship and civic engagement opportunities to strengthen transformative substance use prevention strategies.

Somali Family Service of San Diego

San Diego County

To increase the leadership development of refugee and immigrant youth in San Diego County through culturally and linguistically appropriate peer-led support, mentorship and youth-led civic engagement to improve community health outcomes and reduce substance use.

SOMOS Mayfair

Santa Clara County

To build the leadership skills of Latinx youth in Santa Clara County through civic engagement, mentorship and community outreach to prevent substance use.

South Asian Network

Los Angeles County, Riverside County, San Bernardino County

To empower Asian youth in Los Angeles, Riverside and San Bernardino counties through civic engagement and peer-led leadership development to reduce substance use.

Southern Sudanese Community Center of San Diego

San Diego County

To engage refugee and immigrant youth in San Diego County through civic engagement, youth-led peer support and leadership development to expand culturally relevant substance use prevention.

Spearitwurx Inc

Siskiyou County

To empower youth of color in Siskiyou County through culturally grounded mentorship, leadership building and civic engagement to improve protective factors and promote substance use prevention.

Stanislaus County Youth Empowerment Program

Merced County, San Joaquin County, Stanislaus County

To elevate Black and Latinx youth in Merced, San Joaquin and Stanislaus counties through culturally and healing-centered mentorship, civic engagement and leadership to increase protective factors and prevent youth substance use.

Sun Street Centers

Monterey County, San Benito County, San Luis Obispo County

To empower youth of color in Monterey, San Benito and San Luis Obispo counties through peer-to-peer support and youth-led civic engagement to promote restorative justice practices in schools and reduce substance use.

Sunday Friends Foundation

Santa Clara County

To empower Latinx and Asian youth in Santa Clara County through leadership skill building, civic engagement and mentorship to increase protective factors and reduce substance use.

Tahoe Youth and Family Services

El Dorado County

To foster leadership development among Latinx and youth of color in El Dorado County through civic engagement and culturally centered mentoring to reduce substance use.

Tarzana Treatment Centers, Inc.

Los Angeles County

To empower Latinx youth in Los Angeles County through leadership development and youth-led civic engagement to build community and prevent substance use.

The Happier Life Project

Riverside County, San Bernardino County

To empower justice-involved foster youth in Riverside and San Bernardino counties through leadership skills development, mentorship and civic engagement to reduce recidivism and prevent substance use.

The Young People’s Foundation Inc.

Los Angeles County

To increase the leadership development of Black and Latinx youth in Los Angeles County through culturally responsive mentoring, youth-led civic engagement and skill building to promote equitable approaches to substance use prevention.

Trans & Queer Youth Collective

Alameda County, Amador County, Contra Costa County, Del Norte County, El Dorado County, Fresno County, Imperial County, Inyo County, Marin County, Monterey County, Nevada County, Orange County, Placer County, Plumas County, Sacramento County, San Benito County, San Bernardino County, San Diego County, San Joaquin County, San Mateo County, Santa Barbara County, Sierra County, Solano County, Sonoma County, Stanislaus County, Sutter County, Tuolumne County, Yolo County, Yuba County

To support 2S/LGBTQ+ and youth of color across California through peer support, youth-led civic engagement and culturally responsive leadership development to increase protective factors and prevent substance use.

Transitional Youth Mobilizing for Change (TYM4Change)

Kern County

To empower youth of color in Kern County through peer-to-peer support, mentoring and civic engagement to reduce substance use.

Two Feathers Native American Family Services

Humboldt County

To engage Native youth in Humboldt County through intergenerational youth mentorship, advocacy skills building and cultural revitalization to address the root causes of substance use in tribal communities.

Watch Me Grow, Inc.

Solano County

To increase the self-efficacy of Black and Latinx youth in Solano County through culturally responsive youth programs, community engagement opportunities and mentorship to promote protective factors and reduce substance use.


Orange County

To engage youth of color in Orange County through leadership development, peer-led support and youth-led civic engagement to build resiliency, strengthen peer connections and prevent substance use.

Wukchumni Tribe

Fresno County, Tulare County

To empower Native youth in Fresno and Tulare counties through culturally rooted mentorship and youth civic engagement to promote community healing and reduce substance use.

Youth Alliance

San Benito County, Santa Clara County

To empower Latinx youth in San Benito and Santa Clara counties through mentoring, skills-building and civic engagement to promote healing-centered community responses to prevent substance use.

Youth Transforming Justice

Marin County

To increase the leadership development of Latinx youth in Marin County through mentorship, civic engagement and skills-building to disrupt the school-to-prison pipeline and reduce substance use.

Youth Utilizing Power and Praise Organization

Alameda County, Contra Costa County, Sacramento County, San Francisco County, San Joaquin County, Santa Clara County, Stanislaus County

To build the leadership skills of youth of color across Northern and Central California through mentorship and youth civic engagement to reduce risky behaviors that lead to substance use.

Youth Will

San Diego County

To empower youth of color in San Diego County through civic engagement, peer mentorship and youth-led community engagement to promote system changes around substance use prevention.