Elevate Youth California substance use prevention network expands across California
Congratulations to 32 Elevate Youth California community partners that have received awards up to $1 million to develop or increase youth substance use disorder prevention, outreach and education. With nearly $29.7 million in funding and technical assistance, the community-based and Tribal organizations will increase youth understanding of substance use disorder and reduce community and individual stigma of use and treatment. Funding also focuses on youth activism, mentorship and peer-led supports that lift up youth empowerment and leadership with a focus on impacting policy, systems and environmental change. The 32 new partners join 26 organizations that received awards in the first round of funding earlier this year. Learn about the awarded organizations.
Elevate Youth California Round 2 funding update
Thank you to all of the organizations that submitted applications for the second round of Elevate Youth California funding. The Center at Sierra Health Foundation will review all applications using the selection and evaluation criteria in the request for applications. The Center plans to announce awards in early November. Grants up to $1 million over three years will support prevention of youth substance use. Please contact us with any questions.
Elevate Youth California Round 2 funding opportunity is available
We are pleased to announce a second round of Elevate Youth California funding. Grants up to $1 million over three years will support prevention of youth substance use.
Please contact us if you would like to receive the application materials for this previous funding opportunity.
Welcome to the Elevate Youth California web site!
We are excited to launch this web site for Elevate Youth California partners. This site is your go-to resource for program information, materials, toolkits and technical assistance, as well as funding opportunities related to the program. The information and materials are available to the public, so please spread the word throughout your networks. Send us any feedback at
Elevate Youth California partners begin substance use disorder prevention efforts
Congratulations to 26 community partners in 21 counties throughout California that have received awards up to $1 million to develop or increase youth substance use disorder prevention, outreach and education.
The Elevate Youth California statewide program is providing $21.5 million in funding and technical assistance. Partners are increasing youth understanding of substance use disorder and reducing community and individual stigma of use and treatment. Funding also focuses on mentorship and peer-led supports that lift up youth empowerment and leadership with a focus on impacting policy, systems and environmental change.