To strengthen the leadership skills and policy advocacy skills of Latinx youth in Santa Barbara County through a peer-to-peer model and media advocacy training.
To liberate and transform BIPOC youth in Fresno through a youth-led program to increase access to care, reduce stigma related to substance use, increase empathy for individuals navigating substance use, and foster youth-led systems change efforts impacting the local...
To increase leadership skills and advocacy capacity of youth of color in Solano County through youth-led campaigns, peer mentoring, storytelling and an annual convening to advocate for and effect policy change.
To strengthen leadership skills and increase social connections through a culturally responsive trauma-informed mentoring program to address gang involvement and substance use among at-risk youth of color in San Bernardino County.
To promote leadership development and policy advocacy with Southeast Asian youth in Sacramento through a substance-use prevention/early intervention program by creating support groups, participatory action/research campaigns, hosting an annual Asian Youth Leadership...